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Friday, November 03, 2006

Security Limitation

I am not going to write about the security limitation of our parliament and its consequences here; as all of you know it’s not worth writing about it. But then in a MNC at least you expect some kind of minimum security for your belongings inside the gate. But then I agree that they also try their best to provide the same. It has its own limitations. To keep your things safe, you need to overcome such limitations by yourself by keeping yourself away from being prone to such things.

Recently I had lost my helmet in our company parking area, to speak the truth is not worth bothering about, but then the matter here is not you lost your helmet, it’s that you have lost, or someone has stolen in a secured area. So how can you be sure that one day you will not loose your bike also?

We have really a very good security system to trace out even in case if something gets stolen. We have cameras all around monitoring everyone going here and there. But then is that enough to keep your things safe? If you consider my case, I have kept ma helmet on ma bike, without locking it, that’s ma fault, I agree. But then when we traced it back, we can see all the things starting from arrival and keeping ma bike and helmet there, and after a while we could see that some house keeping guy is standing near ma bike packing something in his bag. I could not see my helmet on ma bike at that time. This was just after a min or so. But then what we can see after seeing this? We can’t see his face. Whom we can say that is the thief?

There is an inherent security limitation, by which we can’t see all the events; we can see only what has been recorded. One more thing to mention here is that since the parking area (MLCP) belongs to many companies and most people roam around there after the lunch also. So they can’t restrict someone to enter the place. All this had made thieves job easy. So don’t raise you eyebrow incase if you lost your vehicle one day from MLCP. All you can see at the end is someone is taking it out.!!


Prashant said...

very sad... Shetty ... u lost ur helmet... it was totally ur fault since u didnt lock ur helmet.. full marks to the thief for giving u a lesson :D

Prasad Shetty said...

Hello, pandey, u r right.. there was fault from ma side too.. the thing that came to ma mind after findin that I have lost ma helmet is ur words, if u can rememebr, "dont keep the helmet here like this, lock it, else take it upstairs".. but then now on I am following ur words man..!! :)